Week 09: Space Opera - The Martian by Andy Weir

  The Martian is a book that has given me everything I love about sci-fi and put it all in one book for me to binge read in one night. The way that this book breaks down scientific theory and puts it so simple for the reader to understand is what makes everything so entertaining. Our protagonist Mark Watney is like a crash course teacher that his last life mission is to make us understand the material while we listen to his ramble as compensation. The book truly makes you feel like you are actually watching a video or listening to a podcast of this character rather than just reading a normal sci-fi book. 

I believe the main reason I enjoy this book is due that it reminds me so much of Star Trek. As a Trekkie I enjoy when each episode of any Star Trek series started and ended with a captain’s log and mention the stardate. It helped set the scene and tone for each episode but also was just a small sneak peek on what is to come. These logs were not only important ways to set the scene but to get an inside scoop on how our characters think and have their opinion on the situations. It helps break in some jokes about the plot as well as comment on other characters which Watney does perfectly. 

The reader learns so much and goes through a storm of emotions that Mark Watney goes through as the only inhabitant of Mars. We learn on how he is becomes very self deprecating at times but is very proud of being a botanist and expects certain expectations from himself. The reader observes how the mind can easily itself in emotions and turmoil if not kept busy and we discover this with Watney. It a book about survival where we are not necessarily learning how to survive Mars but survive being alone with yourself and your thoughts. 

The story is quite innovative in the sense that we are not only feeling the plot through our protagonist but we are actually characters in the story. We are the people who are listening to Mark Watney after the entire situation is resolve and these messages are recovered for learning purposes. The reader is actually a vital part of the story since we are what is keeping Mark alive since we are the one he imagines listening to his story. By us reading the book we are able to give our protagonist the peace of mind to continue his journey to stay alive or find a way back home. Which is why I very much enjoy this book. 


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